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Why choose OSU's pre-med program?

Why choose OSU's pre-med program?

Oregon State University provides outstanding opportunities for students to prepare for a career in medicine. OSU is one of the best pre-med schools because students can choose from an array of exciting majors, enhance their education through research and other hands-on experiences and connect with experienced advisors. Some of our majors offer an official pre-medicine option (concentrations) that students can declare and is transcript visible. These options are not required by medical schools, but they can help students optimize their courses to prepare for medical school.

Variety of majors

Students can apply to medical school with any major, as long as required pre-med courses are completed. OSU offers the greatest variety of majors of any university in the state. The College of Science is one of the best pre-med colleges available. Our pre-med students choose majors in Science (Biology, Biochemistry/Biophysics, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, BioHealth Sciences, Chemistry, Microbiology), Health and Human Sciences (Exercise and Sports Science, Nutrition, Public Health), Engineering (Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering, Radiation Health Physics), Agricultural Sciences (BioResource Research), and Liberal Arts (History, Music, Psychology, Spanish, etc).

Research opportunities

Research enhances a student's medical school application and OSU attracts more research funding than any other institution in the state. For FY 2023, OSU faculty brought in $480 Million. Most of our pre-med students are involved in some kind of research, and they can get a Transcript Notation for their research or creative efforts.

Experienced, accessible advisors

Access to experienced pre-med advisors is extremely important. The advisors at Oregon State will be available to help students and ensure that they are on track with their pre-med preparation. OSU has a Pre-Medical Committee composed of experienced academic advisors and faculty members from departments across the OSU campus who meet with students and help them with all aspects of the preparation and application.

Special pre-med courses and pre-med programs

During spring quarter OSU offers a helpful Pre-med Orientation Course, BI 109, which features local physicians, admissions officers, and information about coursework, majors, MCAT, etc.

For those applying to medical school, there is an application workshop series consisting of informational sessions and discussions about health care issues, and there is assistance offered at every step of the application process.

The Medical Preceptorship Program matches pre-med students with local physicians, so that they can learn more about the profession.

The Medical Humanities Certificate is a 27-credit program students can add to their degree to enhance their knowledge in the "art of healing." The certificate relies on key courses in medical anthropology, literature and medicine, medical history, and biomedical ethics for its core content foundations.


The Oregon State College of Science offers several scholarships for pre-med students in a variety of majors. In addition, there are scholarships for students beginning medical school.

Excellent track record with admissions

OSU graduates attend medical schools all across the country. Our students are well-regarded and well-prepared. Generally 67-70% of our applicants are admitted compared to less than 40% nationally. Students have been admitted to medical schools all across the United States, including Harvard, Yale, OHSU, University of Chicago, UCLA, Western University, Campbell University, and others.