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Spiral icon above lit-up cityscape
Biomedical Science

Synergies unleashed to tackle human health and disease

OSU scientists take an interdisciplinary approach to human health, working across the life, physical and mathematical sciences to spur fresh thinking and innovations.

three star icon above light texture

Three OSU scientists elected 2018 AAAS Fellows

All three OSU professors named 2018 Fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science are in the College of Science.

Mas Subramanian in office space

Chemist who discovered YInMn blue named AAAS Fellow

Mas Subramanian, Milton Harris Chair Professor of Chemistry, has become a new Fellow of The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).

Thomas Sharpton with colleague looking at samples in lab

From scientific ideas to innovative solutions in the marketplace

The College of Science launches Innovation Days, a series of workshops for faculty to spur innovation and entrepreneurship.

coral at bottom floor of shallow ocean

Corals and their microbiomes evolved together, new research shows

The findings, published in Nature Communications, add fresh insight to the fight to save the Earth’s embattled coral reefs.

Mosquito fossil in yellow amber
Integrative Biology

Mosquitoes, other blood-sucking flies have been spreading malaria for up to 100 million years

Entomologist George Poinar has discovered that the microorganisms that cause malaria, leishmaniasis and a variety of other illnesses today can be traced back at least to the time of dinosaurs

Marian Waterman in front of brick building
Biochemistry & Biophysics

Scientist who discovered protein involved in cancer metastasis named Alumni Fellow

Alumna Marian Waterman, professor of microbiology and molecular genetics at the University of California, Irvine, is honored as 2018 Alumni Fellow.

Joan Countryman Suit with her husband with research equipment

Microbiologist involved in advancing the field of microbial genetics receives alumni award

Microbiologist Joan Suit (B.S. '53) who spent her career at MIT receives Distinguished Alumni Achievement Award.

Justin Hall with his daughters in park
Biochemistry & Biophysics

Pharmaceutical scientist credits biochemistry and biophysics Ph.D. as key to success

Justin Hall (Ph.D. ’10) is excited to return to Oregon State University and give back to the community that helped jumpstart his success at Pfizer Pharmaceuticals.

cliff side meeting ocean waves
Integrative Biology

Countries follow through on more than 200 ocean conservation promises

Graduate students find that countries did actually honor the more than 200 ocean conservation promises they made four years ago.

cell icon above light texture
Faculty and Staff

Recognizing research and administrative excellence

Congratulations to these science faculty and administrators who received 2018 Faculty and Staff Awards for administrative and research excellence!

marine researcher walking on cloudy beach carrying hiking and research gear
Marine Science

Ecologist takes problem of ocean acidification to Oregon legislators

Ecologist's video on ocean acidification makes a profound impact with legislators at the Oregon Coastal Caucus Economic Summit.