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Doug Keszler standing in SEC awning
Faculty and Staff

Chemist honored at American Chemical Society's award symposium

An award symposium will be held in honor of Distinguished Professor of Chemistry, Douglas Keszler at the American Chemical Society conference, April 2-6, 2017.

sun peering over earth from space

Join the conversation: Science worth spreading

Science Worth Spreading is a series of powerful 7-minute talks from Oregon State scientists followed by a mind-bending conversation on science April 22, 2017.

Staci Simonich standing in front of black backdrop
Faculty and Staff

Chemist speaks out on NPR about dangers of drifting air pollutants

Chemist Staci Simonich explains how tiny toxic air particles travel great distances and significantly increase overall health risks in an interview for Living on Earth that aired on NPR and was broadcast internationally.

Richard Nafshun in front of black backdrop
Faculty and Staff

Chemist named top educator in Oregon

Chemistry instructor Richard Nafshun receives 2017 Outstanding Educator in Science and Mathematics in Higher Education Award by the Oregon Academy of Science.

3D animation of Clostridium Perfringens Cells

Microbiologist discovers new weapon against food poisoning

OSU Microbiologist discovers that Chitosan, a natural carbohydrate derived from crustacean shells, shows potential as an antidote against a food poisoning bacterium.

Rebecca Vega Thurber sitting with colleagues at table
Marine Science

Microbiologist pioneers research to protect coral ecosystems

Microbiologist Rebecca Vega Thurber has pioneered research aimed at protecting marine biodiversity with a special focus on highly endangered coral reefs.

diploma icon above light texture
Faculty and Staff

Celebrating excellence in teaching and advising

Congratulations to the winners of the 2017 College of Science Teaching and Advising Awards!

Robert Mason and Sastry Pantula standing next to event poster

Gilfillan Lecture: The Garden of Eden Revisited

Robert Mason, a nationally recognized researcher on reproduction in garter snakes, presents 2017 F.A. Gilfillan Memorial Lecture April 3, 2017.

Staci Simonich standing in front of black backdrop
Women in Science

Chemist addresses scientific challenges under an 'inconvenient administration'

An apparent lack of concern for scientific evidence” poses a challenge to environmental management, writes chemist Staci Simonich in a recent editorial.

Ryan Mehl and Robert J Blizzard standing in front of white board in suits
Biomedical Science

New technology for attaching proteins offers many life-changing applications

Since the mid-1990s, biochemistry professor Ryan Mehl has been working to find the perfect chemical reaction for attaching proteins to just about anything. And now his persistence is finally paying off.

Purple coral at bottom floor of shallow ocean
Marine Science

Funding for long-term studies promotes better science, environmental policy

The need for long-term research—which is highly valued by environmental scientists and policymakers—far outstrips the amount of funding awarded for it, according to a recent study.

Illustration of toxic particles in the wind
Biomedical Science

Toxic particles linked to higher lung cancer risk

A new way of looking at how pollutants travel has quadrupled the estimate of global lung cancer risk from a pollutant caused by combustion.