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Vintage black and white picture of Warren Washington holding film in office
Alumni and Friends

Alumnus Warren Washington to receive prestigious Tyler Prize for pioneering climate studies

Pioneering climate scientist and alumnus Warren Washington is a co-recipient of the 2019 Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement, often referred to as the Nobel Prize for the Environment.

cliff side meeting ocean waves
Integrative Biology

Countries follow through on more than 200 ocean conservation promises

Graduate students find that countries did actually honor the more than 200 ocean conservation promises they made four years ago.

sunken ship peering above surface of ocean on a sunny day
Marine Science

Marine ecologist awarded NOAA grant to study hypoxia in the Pacific Ocean

A new $1.1 million grant led by ecologist Francis Chan will track and measure the effects of hypoxia on marine species and habitats in Oregon.

coral soaking in water on rock
Marine Science

Size the main factor in predicting how calcifying organisms will respond to ocean acidification

Size is the main factor that predicts how calcifying organisms will respond to ocean acidification, according to a new study by biology Ph.D. candidate Allison Barner.

Sea shell washed up on ocean shore

Tackling misconceptions about climate science with mathematics

Mathematician employs statistical models to address uncertainties in climate science.

Mountain range along Oregon Coast
Marine Science

Battling climate change: Ecologist and a network of volunteers monitor ocean pH levels

Ecologist Francis Chan has been monitoring pH levels off the Oregon coast, whose waters are world hotspot for ocean acidification.

forest fire during the day time

Mathematician explains how populations handle random disturbances

Mathematicians predict population dynamics for species after multiple disturbance events caused by global climate change.

ocean wave forming
Marine Science

Biologists find that climate change threatens coral symbiosis

Scientists from the Department of Integrative Biology have found that for reef-building corals, not just any symbiotic algae will do.

tide pool on Oregon Coast
Marine Science

Summer "dead zone" threat rises on Oregon Coast

The Oregon coast is now facing annual threats from hypoxia, or low oxygen, and scientists liken the phenomenon to wildfire season.

Scuba diver in reef

Film screening: Chasing Corals

Science faculty and students are hosting a screening of the movie Chasing Corals, followed by a panel of six OSU scientists specializing in coral reefs in hopes of educating people about what the future holds for these precious ecosystems and how to help.

Desert-like field at sunset

Climate change: Facts, fictions and faith

A free public lecture will untangle the role faith and values play in shaping our attitudes and reactions to the complex science behind global warming.

Jane Lubchenco in front of ice glacier wearing life jacket
Marine Science

Marine reserves can mitigate effects of climate change

Marine biologist Jane Lubchenco and an international team of scientists have found that marine reserves can help protect the planet from global warming.