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Pelican sitting on rock in front of ocean

SURE Science students spend summer researching oceans, new planets and human health

Thirty-one SURE Science students spent their summers immersed in the beauty and drama of science.

closeup on gloved scientist dropping samples in lab
Biochemistry & Biophysics

Scientists develop new technique to understand and treat human deafness

Biochemists develop a novel method to overcome major challenges in the study of the otoferlin protein and its role in human deafness.

coral at bottom floor of shallow ocean

The "Anna Karenina principle" of unhappy microbiomes

Oregon State microbiologists have suggested a new paradigm for the study of microbiomes—one that has key implications for medical care.

student working on math homework holding calculator

Students experience a summer of state-of-the-art data science research

Two new Research Experiences for Undergraduates in the field of statistics are training students in cutting-edge data analytics and computational skills essential to interdisciplinary research.

clock sitting on nightstand next to bed
Faculty and Staff

Zoologist awarded Fulbright scholarship for biomedical research

Jaga Giebultowicz, professor in the Department of Integrative Biology, has been awarded a Fulbright research and teaching scholarship for 2017-2018.

Students working in chemistry lab
Biomedical Science

Genetic Code Expansion Workshop returns for third year

The third annual Genetic Code Expansion Workshop is returning to campus for graduate students, faculty and scientists from across the country and world the week of July 31-August 5, 2017.

microscopic view of mating diatoms

Diatoms have sex after all, and ammonium puts them in the mood

New research shows a species of diatom, a single-celled algae thought to be asexual, does reproduce sexually—a finding with important biotechnology implications.

3d model of calprotectin protein
Biochemistry & Biophysics

Inaugural symposium explores how NMR illuminates biology

The College of Science is hosting the inaugural symposium on biological Nuclear Magnetic Resonance featuring internationally recognized NMR scientists on August 4, 2017.

Shan Lansing and colleague working with lab equipment in blue lab coats

Four years and two degrees later

Shan Lansing earned her master's degree in one year and her bachelor's in three. Now's she's beginning a career in medicine at Ohio State University.

Viviana Perez analyzing samples with student in lab

Oregon State biochemist to give public lecture on the 2016 Nobel Prize in Medicine

Corvallis Public Library presents a public lecture on the 2016 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine by Viviana Perez, assistant professor of biochemistry and biophysics.

Ed Yong speaking to audience

Planning for the future of microbiome research

The Oregon State University Microbiome Initiative is offering a series of events including a training workshop, a research forum and a public lecture featuring an award-winning science writer.

picture of yellow microbiomes

OSU Microbiome Initiative launches

Fueled by an urgency driving microbiome research nationally, the College of Science launches the OSU Microbiome Initiative this spring.