The College of Science Community of Instructional Excellence Scholarly Fellows program (CoSCIES Fellows) is a peer mentorship community centered on the scholarship of teaching and learning. Anyone who teaches in the College can become a CoSCIES Fellow, including individual faculty or teaching teams. The CoSCIES program was created by Dr. Devon Quick (Integrative Biology, Ben and Elaine Whiteley Faculty Scholar for Teaching Excellence) and Dr. KC Walsh (Physics, Provost’s Faculty Scholar for Teaching Excellence).
CoSCIES Fellows
College of Science Community of Instructional Excellence Scholarly Fellows

Addressing attrition with evidence-based, inclusive practices
To develop the next generation of the STEM workforce, College of Science faculty need to use evidence-based, inclusive practices that work at OSU. Internal data show that attrition rates are highest in the College during students’ first and second years at Oregon State. The one commonality that all science students share that we can impact right now is their experience in our classrooms. The CoSCIES program supports students by supporting faculty (or teaching teams) to critically evaluate the transformative educational experiences and innovative curricula they provide through the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL). We believe there is room for engaging in SoTL at all levels, from course assessment of small curricular changes, to peer-reviewed research. We believe if everyone engaged in some degree of scientific inquiry in their teaching practices, we can transform education in the College of Science.
CoSCIES Events
Invited talks | education research showcase extravaganza | unit-level workshops
About CoSCIES: Creating community
CoSCIES Fellows are a multidisciplinary community of teachers who use SoTL to improve their evidence-based instructional practices. Through collaboration and peer review, CoSCIES Fellows can learn the bigger lessons of what really works and why in College of Science courses. We can use our findings to further engage College educators in creating impactful, meaningful change.
Ground up, interdisciplinary, inclusive
CoSCIES is a bottom up program where knowledge creation is a shared experience, created by those who teach in the College with those who teach in the College.
Visible and impactful
CoSCIES hosts several annual events open to all College of Science members, including a Fall invited speaker, Spring end-of-year college-wide STEM Education Research Extravaganza and unit level events hosted by CoSCIES Fellows.
Providing paths to leadership
CoSCIES builds leaders in our teaching community. Fellows become known for their scholarly work and can become Super Fellows, or eventually Program Leaders.
The CoSCIES Fellowship Experience
What do Fellows do | Why should you become a Fellow | How do you become a Fellow