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Science in the news

Science in the news

Media contacts

Journalists are encouraged to contact OSU's Department of News and Research Communications at 541-737-0787 for assistance. Media personnel seeking expert sources for their stories can contact OSU news editor Sean Nealon at 541-737-0787 or

For more specific content, science news writer Steve Lundeberg is also available at 541-737-4039, or

Media coverage highlights

Quartz -

Social distancing is slowing not only Covid-19, but other diseases too

Researchers have used Kinsa Health's data to predict flu outbreaks weeks before the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s surveillance program, which uses hospitalization records. Article reports that OSU ecologist Ben Dalziel's research shows that the current decline in rates of seasonal flu is a result of social distancing, and not a statistical anomaly.

Chemistry and Engineering News -

Tips for teaching in the time of coronavirus

To help instructors who are suddenly faced with the challenge of teaching online because of coronavirus-related school closures, C&EN asked online teaching veterans for their advice. Chemistry instructor Marita Barth shares her expert recommendations on how to teach effectively using online teaching platforms.

Scientific American -

Social media posts and online searches hold vital clues about pandemic spread

In a digital age, many people are reporting symptoms online before visiting a doctor. The medical community is divided on whether public health officials should take advantage of this online data, at risk of violating privacy concerns. OSU epidemiologist Benjamin Dalziel is quoted in the article for his research on digital thermometers, and why he believes in a more systematic approach to data collection.

Politico -

California saw dense housing near transit as its future. What now?

As one of the most populous states in America, California has had plans for massive urbanization. WIth Covid-19 outbreak, these plans are being thrown into question - but scientists like OSU epidemiologist Benjamin Dalziel say this skepticism is often unwarranted.

New York Times -

Can smart thermometers track the spread of coronavirus?

A company that uses internet connected thermometers to predict the spread of the flu is now tracking the coronavirus in real time - allowing greater accuracy than the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is able to provide due to lack of testing. Article quotes disease modeling expert Benjamin Dalziel who uses medical records in his own research to help predict spread of disease.


Scientists discovered the first animal that doesn't need oxygen to live. It's changing the definition of what an animal can be

Stephen Atkinson, a senior research associate in microbiology is quoted for groundbreaking research contributions alongside microbiologist Jerri Bartholomew and collaborators. The team discovered a multicellular organism related to jellyfish and coral that is able to survive parasitically, stealing nutrients from salmon.

Cosmos Magazine -

A new class of cool blues

Chemist Mas Subramanian is now working to develop a new class of blue pigments using hibonite, a light blue mineral found in meterorites. The new pigments are more stable and environmentally friendly than the long-enduring Cobalt Blue.

Medical News Today -

Children's behavior linked to gut microbiome

A study by OSU microbiologist Thomas Sharpton has identified a correlation between gut microbiota and child development. The study found that behavioral issues and socioeconomic stress are often accompanied by variation in the microbiome in those children.

Gazette-Times -

OSU's Bob Mason untangles secrets of snake sex

Article features Bob Mason - OSU's leading expert in reproductive biology - on his journey to becoming the first scientist to synthesize the reptile pheromone. It turns out, snake pheromones can explain a lot - from the secrets of the love lives of snakes, to the impacts of climate change.

The Register-Guard -

OSU scientists replace mice genes to study vitamin D's effects on infections

Biochemist Adrain Gombart has conducted a study that tests the effect of vitamin D to cure infections. His team used mice as a vessel for the human gene, which provides a new model for future study of vitamin D treatment.

Nature -

Scrubbing carbon dioxide from smokestacks for cleaner industrial emissions

An international team co-led by chemist Kyriakos Stylianou has uncovered a better way to scrub carbon dioxide from smokestack emissions.

U.S. News -

Could screens' blue light make you old before your time?

Blue wavelengths produced by the LEDs in our screens may damage brain cells, as well as retinal cells in our eyes, according to research by OSU biologist Jaga Giebultowicz.

National Geographic -

Less than 3 percent of the ocean is 'highly protected'

Article quotes OSU professors Kirsten Grorud-Colvert, Jane Lubchenco on new guidelines to make adoption of Marine Protected Areas more appealing to countries.

New York Times -

Going to College? Take their advice

Microbiology major Sarah Olson was featured among an article When the Times put out a call for college advice from students, OSU microbiology major Sarah Olson was selected among the hundreds of responses. "Community college changed my life for the better, and I want other people to know it's O.K. to take a nontraditional path," shared Olson.


Move over, water bears, and make way for ancient 'mold pigs'

George Poinar Jr., an OSU emeritus professor, has discovered a new microinvertebrate known as a 'mold pig.' Discovered in fossilized amber, the the 30 million year old fossil is unlike any microorganism scientists have seen before.

Science -

The ocean is key to achieving climate and societal goals

Marine ecologist Jane Lubchenco published an outline that highlights necessary steps to achieve climate goals. The report identifies five critical ways that the ocean can be put to use for the preservation of the planet - as well as its own.

Washington Post -

We worked for the NOAA. Political appointees can’t overrule scientists.

Distinguished University Professor and Advisor in Marine Studies Jane Lubchenco and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration career leaders are pushing back against political interference with weather forecasts.

Discovery Cathay Pacific -

The front lines of the art world's colour wars

While many outside of the art world may not be aware, there is a battle going on between two contemporary art giants, Stuart Semple and Anish Kapoor - over the color black. Article quotes OSU chemist Mas Subramanian about his own new pigment, YInMn Blue.

Science Magazine -

Resurrected detector will hunt for some of the strangest particles in the universe

Physicists at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory are resurrecting a massive particle detector to help them hunt for some of the strangest particles in the universe - called sterile neutrinos. Article quotes OSU physicist Heidi Schellman, a neutrino expert.


Oregon's eelgrass is disappearing, with potentially big impacts

Caitlin Magel, a Ph.D candidate in integrative biology, has been monitoring estuaries around Oregon throughout her time at OSU. Her work has led to an important discovery that this vital coastal ecosystem is in decline.