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Science in the news

Science in the news

Media contacts

Journalists are encouraged to contact OSU's Department of News and Research Communications at 541-737-0787 for assistance. Media personnel seeking expert sources for their stories can contact OSU news editor Sean Nealon at 541-737-0787 or

For more specific content, science news writer Steve Lundeberg is also available at 541-737-4039, or

Media coverage highlights

Nature -

Prepare river ecosystems for an uncertain future

Article focuses on research of OSU ecologist David Lytle and collaborators on the the effect of climate change on river ecosystems around the world. The team developed a model that will help prepare for and mitigate future damage.


SDC awards the prestigious Perkins Medal

The Society of Dyers and Colourists (SDC), is recognized as a leading authority for colorists around the globe. OSU chemist Mas Subramanian has received their most prestigious award.

New York Times -

This Canadian town comes alive once a year, as thousands of snakes mate

Every year, OSU biologist Robert Mason travels to Narcisse, Manitoba to watch the largest snake mating display on earth. His extensive research has revealed some of the strangest mysteries of snake mating behavior.

Science -

A new narrative for the ocean

Preeminent marine ecologist Jane Lubchenco published an editorial urging a change in perspective on marine conservation that reflects scientific evidence and inspires action.

Science -

In search of blue

Article discusses OSU chemist Mas Subramanian’s landmark creation of YInMn blue, the first novel blue pigment in more than 200 years. A notoriously difficult color to create, the discovery set shockwaves around the globe.

New York Times -

Opinion Post: The senate should reject Trump's NOAA nominee

Jane Lubchenco, OSU ecologist and former administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), weighs in on Trump Administration nominee for her former position.

Nature -

Hundreds of thousands of marine viruses discovered in world’s oceans

Oceans are teaming with viruses, shows OSU microbiologist Rebecca Vega-Thurber in a new study. Her research took her around the world, including a six month stay in the Arctic, to collect the unprecedented data on viral diversity.

The Guardian -

New antibiotics could be developed using fish slime, scientists say

With antibiotic resistance on the rise, scientists are looking outside the box to find novel resources. The article quotes OSU chemist Sandra Loesgen, who is spearheading a team of researchers who have found promising results looking at fish slime.

The Conversation -

Microbes that live in fishes’ slimy mucus coating could lead chemists to new antibiotic drugs

“By 2050 drug-resistant infections will affect more people than cancer.” Chemist Sandra Loesgen explains in an editorial the significance of her biomedical research to identify the next generation of antibiotics.

Technology Networks -

Researchers Patent Method for Making Anti-leukemia Compounds

Article quotes Christopher Beaudry, a chemist in the College of Science, on patented compound that can help make leukemia treatment more efficient and affordable.

Gazette-Times -

Think Too Much: Math ‘fanatic’ offers another slice of pi

Math Ph.D. candidate, mother, and stand-up comic Sarah Hagan affirms her dedication to math in advance of her widely attended Pi Day lecture in the Corvallis Public Library.

Designn News -

Proton Transport Promises Faster Charging Batteries

Xiulei (David) Ji, an associate professor of chemistry, is developing a new battery that shows the potential to dramatically increase the charging rate.