New Excellence in Microbiology Faculty Scholar Kimberly Halsey researches the marine carbon cycle, fosters student engagement and promotes inclusivity in admissions.
The College of Science community gathered on Friday, November 12, 2021, for the 2021 Alumni Awards, recognizing alumni who stand out in their accomplishments across industry, philanthropy and research.
Research from the Department of Integrative Biology has uncovered the first fossil evidence of a botanical condition known as precocious germination in which seeds sprout before leaving the fruit. The embryonic plants, growing from a pine cone of an extinct tree species, are encased in amber from the Baltic region.
Ron Schoenheit (B.S. Mathematics ’65) is the recipient of the 2021 Distinguished Alumni Achievement Award for his accomplishments that have brought honor, distinction and visibility to the College of Science.
Judy Faucett, recipient of the College of Science 2021 Distinguished Alumni Achievement Award, founded the Rise Scholarship – the first scholarship at Oregon State exclusively serving students with disabilities.
Andres Cardenas (B.S. 10), a trailblazer in devising epidemiological and molecular approaches to understand how environmental exposures affect disease, has received the 2020 Young Alumni Award from the College of Science.
Professor of Physics Heidi Schellman is leading an international experiment to explore the existence of the universe. The project, titled “Essential Computing and Software Development for the DUNE experiment,” has received a $3M grant from the Department of Energy.
Research from the Department of Physics has shed new light on the way malignant cells change their shape and migration techniques to invade different types of tissue.
Five incoming graduate students were awarded 2021-2022 ARCS Foundation Oregon Chapter scholarships. This year, ARCS Oregon is supporting a record number of 79 scholars: 25 at OHSU, 44 at OSU and 10 at UO.
Attorney and alumnus Román D. Hernández was the recipient of the 2021 Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Alumni Legacy Award at the 2021 Oregon State Black and Orange Awards.