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Juntos Chemistry Overnight Camp group picture.
Diversity in Science

Youth explore, investigate and discover at fun-filled annual Juntos Chemistry Camp

On a sunny June afternoon, 20 high school students from across Oregon stood in a college chemistry laboratory watching a balloon. Their eyes widened as it began to shrink and turn into a wrinkled but rigid ball of rubber. No magic was involved — just liquid nitrogen.

Molly Burke
Faculty and Staff

Evolutionary biologist wins National Institutes of Health award

Molly Burke, assistant professor in the Department of Integrative Biology, has received the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Maximizing Investigators’ Research Award (MIRA) — a unique grant that will support multiple projects focused on aging and infertility.

An floral and wasp fossil lay next to each other in amber
OSU Press Releases

Entombed together: Rare fossil flower and parasitic wasp make for amber artwork

Biologist's fossil research has revealed an exquisite merger of art and science: a long-stemmed flower of a newly described plant species encased in a 30-million-year-old tomb together with a parasitic wasp.

Waves crashing against the sand
OSU Press Releases

Oregon Sea Grant awards $1.15 million to OSU researchers for marine-related projects

Two College of Science faculty members are among five scientists at Oregon State to receive $1.15M from Oregon Sea Grant, a marine research, public engagement and education program at Oregon State University.

Norbert and Eileen Hartmann lean against a porch railing with green landscape behind them.
Alumni and Friends

Eileen and Norbert Hartmann Faculty Scholar established to support faculty in College of Science

The Hartmann Faculty Scholar was established in 2021 by Eileen Hartmann, ’74, ’76, and Norbert Hartmann to support faculty in the College of Science. Their planned estate gift also benefits scholarships in OSU Baseball and Women’s Basketball, Polk County 4-H and programs in the College of Science.

Virginia Weis standing in lab

Conserving coral reefs: Marine biologist receives coral society’s highest honor

Congratulations to Virginia Weis, University Distinguished Professor of Integrative Biology, for receiving the Eminence in Research Award from the International Coral Reef Society.

DNA strands.
Faculty and Staff

Research grants to seed the next great idea

Seed funding from the College of Science Research and Innovation Seed (SciRIS) program continues to bolster ambitious and expansive research projects across biomedical science, fluid dynamics, quantum mechanics and more.

Artwork, a piece of glass with screen printing of a DNA sequence inside of it.

Microbiologist Jerri Bartholomew elevates microbes to fine art

Bartholomew’s glasswork that fuses artistry with research is on exhibition in The Little Gallery in Kidder Hall from March 7 to April 8, 2022. A new fellowship invites scientist-artists to explore interdisciplinary projects.

Gut microbiome close-in

Research innovation and entrepreneurship combine to address critical global challenges

Path-breaking innovations from the College of Science at Oregon State University hold answers to critical problems in the environment, energy and healthcare.

Wei Kong standing in front of a white wall.

Wei Kong, the new head of the Department of Chemistry

The College of Science is pleased to announce Wei Kong as the new head of the Department of Chemistry, effective February 1, 2022.

Ocean waves on a dimly lit day with the sun peering through the clouds.

Gas-passing plankton illuminate another piece of the carbon cycle puzzle

A new study shows that the ocean’s most abundant life form, a type of bacteria, consumes acetone and other climate-active gases.