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arial view of mountain range and deep forests

Trees go high-tech

Trees may soon play a major role in making high-tech energy storage devices.

Dr. Mas Subramanian analyzing blue pigment in chemistry lab
Faculty and Staff

Living in a new, colorful materials world

College of Science Chemistry Professor Mas Subramanian is the 2013 recipient of the F.A. Gilfillan Award for Distinguished Scholarship in Science.

scientist working on test tubes in lab

Risk assessment

I’ve always had a deep interest in the environment and in environmental toxins and pollution.

Andy Karplus and student analzying X-ray crystallography experiments
Biochemistry & Biophysics

X-ray vision

There’s nothing like a new pair of eyeglasses to bring fine details into sharp relief.

Ethan Minot in physics lab

Turncoat proteins

The proteins in our bodies fight infection, carry messages, ferry oxygen and build tissue. But then they can betray us.

Oksana Ostroverkhova in front of wooden backdrop

Shine a light

Associate professor of physics Oksana Ostroverkhova will spend a year working a research review in the quickly evolving field of optoelectronics.

Closeup of purple, blue, and green counter-ion graphic

Trapped ions may unlock a path to better batteries and much more

A serendipitous discovery during research into batteries at Oregon State University holds major implications for inventing new materials with a vast range of scientific and commercial applications.