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True Gibson standing in lit-up hallway

Two childhood friends share a love of science and now Goldwater awards

Two science students have received Goldwater Scholarships for 2017, the top undergraduate award in the country for sophomores and juniors in STEM fields.

Detailed image of an orchid fossil
Integrative Biology

Oldest orchid fossil on record identified

Evidence of an orchid fossil trapped in Baltic amber that dates back some 45 to 55 million years ago is identified, shattering the previous record.

round insect fossilized in yellow amber
Integrative Biology

First fossilized red blood cells from ancient mammal identified

The first fossilized red blood cells from a mammal were discovered to contain a parasite, Babes micro, which still infects humans and other animals today.

audience watching band playing music on stage

Da Vinci Days will feature fascinating talks on science, mathematics and arts

Corvallis's premier community event, 2017 Da Vinci Days will feature talks by Oregon State scientists and mathematicians, Benjamin Dalziel and Tom Dick.

YInMn blue crayon with label

Pigment discovered by Oregon State chemist inspires a new Crayola crayon color

A blue pigment discovered at Oregon State University by chemistry professor Mas Subramanian is the inspiration for Crayola's new crayon color.

Ed Yong speaking to audience

Planning for the future of microbiome research

The Oregon State University Microbiome Initiative is offering a series of events including a training workshop, a research forum and a public lecture featuring an award-winning science writer.

picture of yellow microbiomes

OSU Microbiome Initiative launches

Fueled by an urgency driving microbiome research nationally, the College of Science launches the OSU Microbiome Initiative this spring.

Long branches of seaweed in ocean

Warm oceans need cool science

Scientists at Oregon State are working hard to mitigate climate change through research and advocacy.

salt water fish swimming in creek
Materials Science

Sustaining Resources

Materials scientists at Oregon State are working on new energy and environmental applications that will contribute to a healthy planet.

Arial view of New York City

Informing Policy: Taking science to policymakers

Given the risks of climate change, scientists are moving beyond their traditional comfort zone and speaking out about the public value of their research.

Arianna Kahler-Quesada in lab

Science students win Fulbright fellowships

Three science students and alumni have received prestigious Fulbright Awards for the 2017-2018 academic year.

Two women working on iPads in the Learning Innovation Center

Statistician speaks at Women in Data Science event

Associate Professor of Statistics, Sarah Emerson presented a talk at the Corvallis Women in Data Science (WiDs) satellite event on February 3, 2017.