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Rescue dogs licking each other in dog park

Sample of rescued dogs shows link between gut microbiome, aggressiveness

In a groundbreaking study, OSU microbiologists find a clear link between aggressive behavior and the microbes that live in the dogs’ guts.

3D model of atom

Physicist leads $2.2 million effort to improve physics programs and instruction

Physicist David Craig will lead a five-year, multimillion dollar effort to help physics departments at colleges nationwide improve their programs.

sunken ship peering above surface of ocean on a sunny day
Marine Science

Marine ecologist awarded NOAA grant to study hypoxia in the Pacific Ocean

A new $1.1 million grant led by ecologist Francis Chan will track and measure the effects of hypoxia on marine species and habitats in Oregon.

picture of Microbiomes

Understanding gut microbes’ role in mammals’ evolution

Oregon State microbiologists have made a key advance toward understanding which of the trillions of gut microbes may play important roles in how humans and other mammals evolve.

Manta ray swimming in dark ocean
Integrative Biology

Manta rays’ food-capturing mechanism may hold key to better filtration systems

Manta rays’ feeding mechanism may hold clues to a new, improved filtration system.

Felipe Barreto looking at lab samples with student
Integrative Biology

New species may arise from rapid mitochondrial evolution

Genetic research has shed new light on how isolated populations of the same species evolve toward reproductive incompatibility and thus become separate species.

Detailed model of two cells dividing

Solved protein puzzle opens doors to new designs for cancer drugs

OSU biophysicist Weihong Qiu has solved a longstanding puzzle concerning the design of molecular motors, paving the way toward new cancer therapies.

Bruce Geller in microbiology lab

Microbiologist scores key win in battle against antibiotic resistance

Microbiologists advance the fight against drug resistance, crafting a compound that genetically neutralizes a pathogen’s ability to thwart antibiotics.

Two female students walking through campus in front of tree

Meet our Class of 2021

Twenty five percent of freshmen are the first in their family to attend college, 23 percent are underrepresented minorities, and the College has the highest ever number of high achieving students in this incoming class: 37.6 percent.

pile of blue pigment

New blue pigment discovered at Oregon State earns EPA approval

The vibrant YInMn blue pigment discovered at Oregon State University by chemist Mas Subramanian has been approved for commercial sale by the Environmental Protection Agency.

Science students with professor looking at experiment in lab
Student Success

Science students awarded second highest number of scholarships at OSU

Science students receive second highest number of scholarships at OSU totaling more than $7.5 million, more than triple the amount awarded in 2015.

coral at bottom floor of shallow ocean

The "Anna Karenina principle" of unhappy microbiomes

Oregon State microbiologists have suggested a new paradigm for the study of microbiomes—one that has key implications for medical care.