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College of Science Equity Promise Emergency Grant

College of Science Equity Promise Emergency Grant

The COS Equity Promise Emergency Grant is closed for the 2023–24 academic year. The application for 2024–25 will open mid summer.

The College of Science Equity Promise Emergency Grant is available to students who have experienced sudden, extreme circumstances or life events that may hold up their progress to continue or complete their degree at Oregon State University. The Emergency Grant is especially targeted toward students who are near degree completion and will not be able to complete their degree due to financial hardship, though students at any point in their degree may request and receive funding, depending on the severity of their situation. The Emergency Grant is emergency financial support for students who have accepted all other loan options. The Emergency Grant is funded through the College of Science Dean’s office.

Student eligibility requirements

  1. Must be a current Oregon State University student enrolled in a College of Science major.
  2. Must have an immediate financial hardship resulting from an emergency, accident, or other unexpected critical incident and should be able to provide documentation if requested, or student must be within 4 academic terms of completing their degree and are struggling to finance the rest of their coursework.
  3. Must have developed and begun enacting a plan to cover basic needs (food, housing, etc.) and academic related costs (tuition, books, etc.).
  4. Must have accepted all offered federal financial aid or used all other financial resources available through OSU and the county. This can include accepting all federal loans and utilizing SNAP if eligible. All other loan options must be accepted to qualify for the Emergency Grant.
  5. May not have full coverage financial aid.

Students who apply for the Emergency Grant must meet the above criteria and have the option to meet with the College of Science Student Success Coordinator to begin planning for funding through degree completion and utilizing other resources for long term support.

Apply for the equity promise emergency grant

To apply to the Equity Promise Emergency Grant, complete the following steps. Please ensure you complete all parts of the application in ScholarDollars, do not leave any questions unanswered.

  1. Log in to OSU ScholarDollars with your ONID username and password (DUO required)
  2. Navigate to the Applications tab on the left of your dashboard
  3. Complete the College of Science Equity Promise Application

Other resources for financial support

If you’re not sure how to financially support your academics in the long run or where to begin planning, there are multiple resources to help. You are not alone.

  • Free Financial Advising: The Center for Advancing Financial Education (CAFE) offers free 1:1 financial advising. They’re great at helping students plan for navigating financing their education (loans, work, scholarship), determining overall cost (tuition, bills, course materials), and how that translates to covering their needs.
  • Basic Needs Center: The Basic Needs Center supports students in meeting their basic needs. They also help with navigating eligibility and applications for food assistance, textbook lending, laundry, and emergency housing.
  • Accepting Financial Aid: The Financial Aid office is the best place to go to understand your aid that has been offered, conditions for it, and potential limitations. They are the only office with full access to your financial records and are the best place to go with questions about your financial aid.