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Pre-health professions student clubs and organizations

Pre-health professions student clubs and organizations

OSU Pre-Medical Society

Their mission is to promote and foster the pursuit of medical professions among students at OSU. You can email them at [email protected]. Learn more about the Pre-Medical Society on Twitter and Facebook.

Pre-SOMA (Student Osteopathic Medicine Association) Club

An organization focused on raising awareness about osteopathic medicine and supporting pre-med students interested in becoming osteopathic physicians. Learn more about Pre-SOMA on Facebook.

Steps to becoming a member:

  1. Fill out the OSU SLI Membership online. This takes roughly 5 minutes and will ensure OSU membership
  2. Register for Pre-SOMA's National Chapter to be nationally recognized

Please contact us with any questions you may have at [email protected].


Synapse is a nationally recognized organization dedicated to building supportive communities for individuals with brain injuries. Our Connect Program allows student volunteers to perform community outreach as well as create genuine relationships through one-on-one experiences. Leadership opportunities are available! For more information, email us at [email protected] and join us on Facebook.

The OSU Bioethics Society (OSUBS)

A student-led, student-initiated organization that provides both context and space to explore the growing ethical issues brought forth by discoveries in science, technology and medicine. Through open discussion, investigation, research, and analysis of biology, biotechnology, genetics, medicine, philosophy, politics, law, and other relevant topics, OSUBS offers a platform for the exchange of ideas that affect ethical decision making on our campus and in our world. For more information, email [email protected] and join us on Facebook.

M.A.P.S. (Minority Association for Pre-medical Students)

M.A.P.S. is a nationwide organization aimed to develop students that wish to pursue medicine. Open to any student who supports minority efforts. For more information, email [email protected] and join us on Facebook.

Investigative Diagnosis Society

This is a student-run club that presents mock medical cases, where members ask questions to determine the diagnosis. These presentations involve an interactive case that you will be given the tools to learn how to diagnose. This will be practice for when students begin the process of understanding how to apply their given trade to actual patients. If students are interested, you can sign up by sending an email to [email protected]. Learn more about the society on Facebook.

OSU Healthy Aging Club

This unique club offers students a chance to learn about careers in aging, interact with elders in our community, and gain experience for graduate school or work beyond college. Learn more about the Healthy Aging Club.

Children's Adaptive Resources for Social Mobility (CARS) Club

This organization modifies ride-along toy cars for children with developmental disabilities. We also participate in play-groups for these children. Contact us at [email protected] and connect with us on Facebook.

OSU Blood Drive Association

A student-run club that meets weekly to plan and promote the OSU blood drives each term. Members of the BDA are able to participate as lead volunteers at the largest drive in the Pacific Northwest that we hold on campus. Anyone interested in joining the club can contact [email protected] for more information and join us on Facebook.