The Graduate Program in Mathematics offers M.S., M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in mathematics with a broad research emphasis on numerous fundamental and applied areas of mathematics. Mathematics graduate students can choose from a wide range of research programs in algebra/number theory, analysis, applied mathematics, geometry and topology, mathematical biology, mathematics education, numerical analysis and probability. Our Graduate Program in Mathematics has 30 Ph.D. and 40 M.S. students and 25 faculty who lead highly distinguished research programs in several areas of mathematics. Graduate students hail from various parts of the world as well as the United States. They have ample opportunity to pursue core mathematics, research in mathematics education as well as interdisciplinary research projects that combine mathematics with the science of natural resources and environment, biological and ecological systems, data analytics, computer science and engineering.
Mathematics graduate students receive extensive, rigorous training for a wide variety of jobs in academia, industry, and government and research labs.
Our graduate students frequently present their research at leading national and international conferences in the field, pursue internships at prestigious R&D labs and gain teaching experience in undergraduate mathematics classes. Graduate students are supported by graduate teaching and research assistantships funded by the National Science Foundation and the U.S. Department of Energy. New and current graduate students are also eligible for prestigious university scholarships and fellowships.