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Kelsey Quaisley

Kelsey Quaisley

Postdoctoral Scholar
Department of Mathematics

Kelsey Quaisley

Postdoctoral Scholar
Department of Mathematics

Kelsey earned her Ph.D. in Educational Studies with a focus in Mathematics Education and specialization in Teaching, Curriculum, and Learning (2023), as well as her master's degree in Mathematics (2018) from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.


Ph.D. University of Nebraska-Lincoln (Educational Studies)

M.A. University of Nebraska-Lincoln (Mathematics)


  • Quaisley, K., Funk, R., Smith, W. M., Criswell, B., & Hutchinson, A. (2023). From becoming to being: How STEM teachers develop leadership identities. International Journal of Leadership in Education. 1-28. 2023.2292161
  • Quaisley, K. & Males, L. M. (in press). Lessons learned from studying the teacher intended curriculum: The value of capturing and analyzing attention. In D. Thompson, M. A. Huntley, & C. Suurtamm (Eds.), Lessons Learned from Research on Mathematics Curriculum. Information Age Publishing.
  • Quaisley, K. & Wakefield, N. (2022). From active learning trigonometry to lecture-oriented calculus: Student interactions. Nebraska Educator Journal 6(2), 72-99.
  • Anderson, R., Weiland, T., Males, L. M., & Quaisley, K. (2022). How four white MTEs attempted to acknowledge, act, and hold ourselves accountable for incorporating antiracism into graduate courses for teachers. Teaching for Excellence and Equity in Mathematics 13(1), 60-70.
  • Quaisley, K., Funk, R., Smith, W. M., & Criswell, B. (2023). The Rock Cycle as a Metaphor for Developing STEM Teacher Leaders. AAAS ARISE Blog.
  • Block, S., Quaisley, K., & Males, L. M. (2023). First impressions matter: An analysis of prospective teachers’ noticing of curriculum materials. In Proceedings of the Forty-Fifth Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education.
  • Setniker, A., Males, L. M., Quigley, K., & Block, S. (2019). The influence of high school teachers’ curricular noticing on planning. In S. Otten, A. G. Candela, Z. de Araujo, C. Haines, & C. Munter (Eds.), Proceedings of the Forty-First Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (pp. 120-124). University of Missouri.
  • Miller, E., Uhing, K., Hass, M., Zigterman, R., Quigley, K., Lai, Y., & Wakefield, N. (2018). Graduate student instructors’ growth as teachers: A review of the literature. In A. Weinberg, C. Rasmussen, J. Rabin, M. Wawro, & S. Brown (Eds.),Proceedings of the 21st Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (pp. 185-197). San Diego State University and University of California San Diego.
  • Criswell, B., Lotter, C., Smith, W., Barth, S., Rushton, G., Polizzi, J., Quaisley, K., Zhao, W., & Herring, S. (under review). Seeing as and seeing differently: Professional vision and the enterprise of teacher leadership. School Science & Mathematics.