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James Molyneux standing in front of Kidder Hall

Statistician who helped create new data science curriculum for California high schools joins OSU

The College of Science welcomes James Molyneux, who joined the Department of Statistics as an assistant professor in Fall 2018.

Thomas Cavaiani in front of wooden door

Planned gift by alumnus will establish first endowed professorship in mathematics

A passionate proponent of STEM learning, Thomas Cavaiani’s (’71, ’89) generous gift to the mathematics department will move the dial on research and teaching.

A photo of Halli Barrios

Her leap of faith was toward Corvallis

Meet Halli Barrios, biology student

Rescue dogs licking each other in dog park

Sample of rescued dogs shows link between gut microbiome, aggressiveness

In a groundbreaking study, OSU microbiologists find a clear link between aggressive behavior and the microbes that live in the dogs’ guts.

Math students
Faculty and Staff

Helping students succeed in mathematics

As the newly appointed coordinator of the Math and Statistics Learning Center, Wendy Rose Aaron will enhance the tools provided to mathematics students campus wide.

2018 SACNAS attendees taking a group picture in hallway
Graduate students

From nuclear research to award-winning communicator: A young scientist does it all

Lauded for her exceptional research presentations, chemistry Ph.D. student Ana Arteaga has had an unconventional path to academic success.

Ken Hedberg in front of black backdrop
Faculty and Staff

Fond farewell to chemist Ken Hedberg, champion of science and inspiration to students for seven decades

Alumnus and Distinguished Emeritus Professor of chemistry Ken Hedberg (’43) passed away on January 5, 2019, just a month shy of his 99th birthday and after seven decades of service.

murky bay in front of mountain range
Marine Science

Marine scientists to use artificial intelligence, “big data” to locate and predict crime at sea

The emergence of new data gives researchers hope for tackling a tough problem.

Dr. Mas Subramanian analyzing blue pigment in chemistry lab

Chemist awarded Perkin medal for novel blue pigment discovery

Chemist Mas Subramanian will receive the Perkin Medal, named after British chemist William Henry Perkin, from the Society of Dyers and Colorists.

black and white photo of William Sandine working with lab equipment

Noted microbiologist William Sandine dies at 90

Bill Sandine, emeritus professor of microbiology, was known for his formidable contributions to the science of fermentation.

James Winton holding fishing pole sitting on log in foggy beach
Alumni and Friends

Honoring the moments that changed a life

James Winton (Ph.D. ’81) remains grateful for how a single microbiology course changed his life.

children painting succulent pots
Student Success

Helping science students cope with stress

Stress relief events at the College of Science help tackle a growing problem on campuses nationwide.