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CH2M Hill Alumni Center

Science Olympiad state championship hosted at OSU

The College of Science hosted the statewide Science Olympiad, "the nation's most exciting K-12 science competition."

sun peering over earth from space

Join the conversation: Science worth spreading

Science Worth Spreading is a series of powerful 7-minute talks from Oregon State scientists followed by a mind-bending conversation on science April 22, 2017.

children checking out booths led by college students

Discovery Days is here!

On November 2 and 3, 1500 K-12 students gather for Discovery Days on campus.

Sigma delta omega students selling cookies in Kidder

It's that time: Periodic table cookie sale

Sigma Delta Omega's beloved annual tradition— the periodic table cookies sale is back.

Stephanie Pleasant standing in front of Kidder Hall

Student spotlight: Stephanie Pleasant

Originally, a nursing major, Stephanie Pleasant worked in a Chemistry research lab one summer and was hooked.

Band playing on outdoor stair set

“Chemistry is Awesome” event seeks to change stereotype

Chemists come from all different walks of life

wooden cube on a table with math homework

Who wants to be a Mathematician

Top high school math students from across the state visited campus to take exams and participate in math activities.