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coral at bottom floor of shallow ocean

Marine science student carries on Wei Family Foundation founder's love of travel

Half a world away in Australia, Milan Sengthep, a Wei Family Foundation Scholar, studied with world-renowned marine scientists at James Cook University.

Michael Lerner standing in front of black backdrop
Faculty and Staff

Mike Lerner to lead Chemistry Department

Michael Lerner has been selected as the new Head of the Department of Chemistry.

children lined up for a group photo in Linus Pauling

First overnight chemistry camp for Juntos high schoolers

The first-ever overnight Juntos chemistry camp drew high school students from across Oregon.

Doug Keszler talking behind podium
Materials Science

Chemists invent new method to predict metals' reactions with water

The wide reach of corrosion, a multi-trillion-dollar global problem, may be narrowed considerably thanks to a better way to predict how metals react with water.

Two professors walking in doctoral gowns on campus
Student Success

The Class of 2017

The College graduated a record 629 students with baccalaureate degrees, 64 master's and 66 doctoral students in 2016-17.

Jason Sandwisch standing in Oregon coastal field

A journey to master physical chemistry

Patrons at Café Yumm! near campus enjoy their food with biodegradable plastic silverware developed in an OSU lab by chemistry senior Jason Sandwisch ('17).

Shan Lansing and colleague working with lab equipment in blue lab coats

Four years and two degrees later

Shan Lansing earned her master's degree in one year and her bachelor's in three. Now's she's beginning a career in medicine at Ohio State University.

camp goers working in Chemistry lab

Juntos Family Day inspires high schoolers with science

The College of Science sponsored the second annual OSU Juntos Family Day on Saturday, April 9, 2017, which attracted about 1,400 Latino 8-12th graders and their families.

star icon above image of Memorial Union

Celebrating Undergraduate Excellence in Science

Thirty-four science majors presented their research at the Celebrating Undergraduate Excellence event sponsored by the Division of Undergraduate Studies.

Faculty chatting with one another
Faculty and Staff

Faculty excellence: Promotions and Tenure, 2017

The College of Science congratulates 18 faculty who received promotions and/or tenure for the 2016-17 academic year.

Lecture in LINC 100
Faculty and Staff

Phi Beta Kappa student awards for best instructor and best mentor go to science faculty

Congratulations to senior chemistry instructor Daniel Myles and biochemistry and biophysics professor Kevin Ahern for winning the very first Oregon State Phi Beta Kappa Society student awards!

student working on math homework holding calculator

2017 SURE Science Scholars

Congratulations to these 31 students who have received 2017 SURE Science Scholarships!