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Associate Director of Student Engagement Gabs James speaks at the 2024 Winter Conference at Oregon State University.

Science success leader recognized for feminist achievement

By Hannah Ashton

The College of Science proudly announces that Gabs James, associate director of student engagement, has been awarded the Hattie Redmond Feminist of Achievement award. This honor recognizes a member of the Oregon State community who works as an agent of change in service of racial justice and gender equity. The award is managed by the Hattie Redmond Women and Gender Center.

James is celebrated as an exceptional student advocate and change maker, dedicated to inclusion, equity and justice within and beyond the College of Science. One example includes their management of undergraduate research funding programs for historically underrepresented students. James also offers professional development workshops to enhance participants’ experiences and future opportunities.

Nominators noted James’ commitment to one-on-one support and creation of support networks that help students feel seen and valued. On campus, they are an advocate for increased access and inclusion in STEM education, taking on roles such as the Out in STEM club advisor and a Beaver Connect mentor.

“Time and again I see them pour their whole heart and all their energy into supporting our students, especially our Queer and Trans students, with an aim of helping them feel they deeply belong, that they have a voice, and that someone cares a whole lot about them especially when things are rough,” wrote one nominator.

Hattie Redmond was a Black leader in the 1912 campaign that won equal voting rights for Oregon women. This award honors her legacy by recognizing those who continue to fight for equality and justice.