Malgorzata Peszynska
Malgorzata Peszynska
Malgorzata Peszynska received her Ph.D. in Mathematics from University of Augsburg, and M.S. and Habilitation from Warsaw University of Technology. She held academic positions at Polish Academy Of Sciences, Warsaw University of Technology, Purdue University, and The University of Texas at Austin. She has been at Oregon State since 2003 as a full professor since 2012. In 2019-21 she served as a Program Director at the NSF DMS (National Science Foundation, Division of Mathematical Sciences). She is a 2024 Umiversity Distinguished Professor, 2022-24 Joel Davis Faculty Scholar, AAAS Honorary Fellow; 2021 SIAM Geosciences Career Prize recipient; 2017 Kosciuszko Foundation College of Eminent Scientists, and holder of OSU Mathematics Graduate mentoring award (2016), Joel Davis Excellence award (2016). She is a 2009-10 Fulbright Research Fellow, as well as Mortar Board professor (2004). She believes in "paying it forward" : M. Peszynska also held leadership and service positions at SIAM (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics) including President of SIAM Pacific Northwest Section (2018-20) and SIAM Geosciences (2009-10) and AWM (Association for Women in Mathematics), is serving on editorial boards for 4+ journals, and on the Executive Board of Pacific Math Alliance. She directed several postdocs, doctoral, masters and undergraduate students; see MP people. Her research is in broadly defined applied and computational mathematics modeling of real life phenomena, with foundations in analysis and other core mathematics, and with interdisciplinary applications and collaborations in geosciences (hydrology and oceanography), engineering, and material science.
Malgorzata Peszynska's research interests are in applied mathematics and computational modeling of real life phenomena. Originally trained in pure mathematics, she came to applied mathematics projects through her interest in parallel and high performance computing. Since her PhD she has worked on models of flow and transport using mathematical and numerical analysis as well as computer simulations to understand these phenomena better across the various time and spatial scales. She is involved in a variety of interdisciplinary projects with academic, national lab, and industry collaborators from hydrology, oceanography, statistics, environmental, petroleum, civil and coastal engineering, physics, and materials science. Her research projects were funded by NSF, DOE-NETL and by DOE; her recent projects include the NSF-DMS 1912938 on "Modeling with Constraints and Phase Transitions in Porous Media" (2019-2024), and NSF-DMS 2309682 "Computational mathematics of Arctic processes" (2023-2026). Her recent work involves modeling flow, mass and energy transport, and coupled geomechanics processes in the Arctic as well as under seafloor and terrestrial reservoirs. She also worked on mathematical modeling of microbial competition and biofilm formation in porous media, as well as on semiconductor models across the scales.
Habilitation in Mathematics, Warsaw University of Technology, 2011
Ph.D. in Mathematics, University of Augsburg, 1992
M.Sc. in Applied Mathematics, Warsaw University of Technology, 1986
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- Recent awards include 2024 OSU University Distinguished Professor, 2022-24 Joel Davis Faculty Scholar award, SIAM Geosciences Career Prize (2021), SIAM Women's History Month honoree, AAAS Honorary Fellow (2020), College of Science Champion of Science 2022, Joel Davis Faculty Excellence (2016), Graduate Faculty Excellence award (2016), Fulbright Research Fellow (2009-10), Mortar Board Top professor (2004).
- Recent highlights include 2024 ICERM plenary, 2023/10 FVCA Plenary, 2023/6 Anneliese Niethammer Lecture, 2022/12 SIAM Geosciences and Engineering Math webinars, 2022 IFIP plenary, 2021 and 2017 IAM Geosciences plenary, and many invited talks including at JMM in 2019 and 2020, at ICIAM 202 and 2019, MAFELAP 2019; plenaries at Gordon research conferences in 2016 and 2014, and 2014 workshop at LNCC (Brasil).